Lingual Orthodontics is the most aesthetic treatment modality and is the best treatment option for adult patients because the brackets are invisible, it provides a high level of control, as do all fixed appliances, and is excellent for the treatment of all kinds of malocclusions.
For the patient, Lingual Orthodontics has several obvious advantages over labial appliances. Many adults prefer to have invisible brackets, when recommended by their clinician, as an appliance that will give them comparable results to the labial appliance treatment.
There are also some mechanical advantages to the lingual appliance treatment in deep bite cases as well as open bite cases.
Over the past 25 years there have been many improvements in appliance design, laboratory and bonding procedures, and in clinical, mechanical techniques, that simplify the lingual treatment. Nowadays Lingual Orthodontics is a common treatment modality used by thousands of orthodontists worldwide.
The aim of the course is to introduce the concepts and treatment of Lingual Orthodontics in a simplified way, in order to encourage the orthodontist to use this important treatment modality in his practice on a regular basis. We will go through all the steps, from diagnosis to finishing, including hands-on, case presentations and problem discussion.
The course is also excellent for practitioners who have limited experience and are in need of additional clinical and scientific background.